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  In his most recent and mature artistic work, Kyriakos Paraskevopoulos uses sculpture and drawing as his main means of expression. Perceiving creation in general and subsequently his own creative work as a phenomenon, he creates installations which he defines as "sculptural environments", in which the most fundamental factor is the very process of composition and the overall act of deposition of the works in space.

  Initially he approaches elemental concepts such as weight, movement, rhythm in terms of design and explores the narrative possibilities of his media, while gradually inventing and discovering his vocabulary, with materials and form resulting through the process of experimentation.

  By aiming to include both mistake as well as empty space in his narratives, he comes up with compositions of interdependent parts, seemingly endless in the way he produces and recomposes them, with form taking both organic and strictly geometric forms.

  The final “sculptural environments " are governed by their own rules, but at the same time are defined by the site of their deposition itself. As such, the viewer can interpret them as drawings in space, singular sculptures, systems and/or fields, of multiple readings and narratives, where opposing concepts such as the ephemeral with the diachronic and the personal with the collective are redefined, in a state of constant fluidity.



  • Athens School of Fine Arts, sculpture department, Aphrodite Liti, 2013-2019

  • Akto Art & Design College, 3d animation & visual effects 2020-2021 



  • Aesthetica Art Prize Exibition - 2022, York Art Gallery, 24 June until 25 September 2022

  • "Graduates 2017-2018 & 2018-2019", Athens School of Fine Arts, exhibition space "Nikos Kessanlis", curated by Iliana Fokianaki, 2020

  • "WATER DEMOCRACY water-people-democracy", tetARTemorio, Byzantine and Christian Museum , , curated by F.O.B. ART CONTAINER , special curator Nestor Katsimichas, 2019

  • "ASTRAFTERO-BLANK" - "Sculpture and Currency in the Spirit of Olympism", Numismatic Museum, curated by Director Georgios Kakavas, Department Head Dr. Anastasia Rammou, Aphrodite Liti, Stella Geppert, 2019

  • "MASK AND GAZE" , ISET- Contemporary Greek Art Institute, curated by Markos Georgilakis sculptor associate professor ASFA, 2019

  • "The timelessness of the portrait" - "The garden of sculptures" , Italian Embassy in Athens, Tempo Forte, curated by Afroditi Lite , Ivo Bomba, Elena Athanasopoulou 2019

  • "The Garden of Sculptures , Minotaur-Daedalus-Labyrinth", Italian Embassy in Athens, Tempo Forte, curated by Afroditi Liti, 2018

  • "A.S.F.A. GRADUATES COMPETITION 2018", National Insurance Company, STOART KORAI, 2018

  • "Only dead fish follow the current.", 2nd Panhellenic Comics Festival , Eleftherias Park Arts Center, 2012


  • 1st Prize of the Panhellenic Comic Contest, Evaluation Committee Dimitris Vannelis, Yannis Koukoulas, Yannis Stefanakis , Organized by NEO EPIPEDO Magazine , 2012





  • "Delphiki Amechania", Delphi art station, Kostas Ioannidis, professor at the Department of Art Theory and History, A.S.F.A., 2015.

  • " THE REMAINDER ", Masters Program INSTEAD, University of ThessalyWorkshop , 2015, AthensProf. Heike Schuppelius (scenography), Guest Prof. Jonathan Bepler (soundart) University of the Arts, Karlsruhe, The project "The Remainder" in a cooperation between the University of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe, the Athens School of Fine Arts and The University of Thessaly.​

  • " THE INVISIBLE REMAKE ", January 2016, at the University of Fine Arts in Karlsruhein cooperation with the Athens School of Fine Arts, professors Heike Schuppelius (scenography) and  William Firebrace





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